Friday, October 4, 2013


Aaaaaand....... the countdown begins!  30 days from today I will be landing in Belize!  I found a shipping company Belize Concierge and Shipping that will ship a barrel from LA to Belize for $150 including duties and delivery to your home in Belize.  I'm in the process of packing now, and trying to get everything I need in 1 barrel and 2 suitcases (which is how many I can take on the plane for $40).  I had the additional trouble of figuring out how to get my barrel from Washington State to Los Angeles, CA but I finally found Oak Harbor Freight will ship it there for $137.00.  My plane ticket is for November 2nd, but I have to get my barrel on it's way this week since Belize Concierge and Shipping leaves LA on October 11th.  They say the barrel will take about 3 weeks to get there so it should arrive about the same time I do.
I'm so embarresed ~ I didn't catch the spelling error until after I took the pic (I did fix it though!) And as an update ~ it actually cost $164 to send this to LA because it was 60 pounds heavier than I thought and there was a fee to pay with my credit card. But, as of today it is officially on it's way!

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